.. toctree:: :hidden: .. _changelog: Changelog ========= You will find here the main changes from one version to others. Version 0.4 ----------- Minnor changes. Changes: * Some error codes has been updated. * When input arguments are not correctly inserted, now not only argparse displays error message, but also BOA. Fixed errors: * When no environment variables was being used for a parser module in the rules file, the running analysis crashed. Version 0.3 ----------- Dependencies among modules are possible. Changes: * The results of a module can be a dependency for others. Fixed errors: * Main argument "-\\-no-fail" was not working as expected. * When a module loading failed and the execution continued, was not being correctly removed. * Minnor fixes. Version 0.2 ----------- This version has made other elements to be customizable. Changes: * Support for other programming lenguages. * Customizable parser modules. * Customizable lifecycles. * Customizable reports. Fixed errors: * When a module could not load properly its arguments, was smashing all the arguments of the other modules. * Some checks were not being done to avoid that customizable elements did not inherit from the defined abstract class. Version 0.1 ----------- This version has finished BOA core implementation. Changes: * Support for C programming language (with pycparser). * Support only for AST. * Rules files parsing. * Very flexible with arguments for modules. * Unique lifecycle. * Multiple modules execution. * Modules customizable. * Threats report. * Severity customizable. .. include:: footer.rst